Sunday, April 15, 2012

Soused Tommy Ruffs with Currants and Red Onions

Soused Tommy Ruffs with Currants and Red Onions
Recipe found via ABC The Cook and the Chef

6 Tommy Ruff fillets (plump as possible) - Tommy Ruffs are now called Australian Herrings
2 tablespoon flour
Rind of half a lemon
6 bay leaves
2 tablespoon chopped parsley
juice of 2 lemons
160grams chopped Spanish onion
½ cup currants
2 tablespoon butter
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pepper and salt

Place small quantity of flour (seasoned with salt and pepper) in a plastic bag and put another bag around this (in case the first breaks). Add fish filets to the bag and shake lightly to dust them with seasoned flour. Seal fillets fairly quickly (on both sides) in nut-brown butter in frying pan. Place onto wide flat dish.

Sousing sauce
In a separate saucepan, combine currants, chopped onion, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, fresh bay leaves, pepper, salt and lemon rind. Cook it for a few minutes so the flavours amalgamate. If the lemon juice is overpowering, add some additional extra virgin olive oil. Pour sousing sauce over the fillet. Top the dish with chopped parsley and allow it to sit for about half an hour to allow the flavours to meld. Served at room temperature.

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