Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fresh Oysters with Avocado, Tomato and Lime

This recipe is pretty straight-forward. Fresh Oysters from Cappo Seafood - check; avocado, limes, tomato and chives - check. If you are allowed to be little bit naughty, add a dash of vodka or Tabasco sauce.

2 dozen oysters, freshly opened
1 avocado
Juice of 2 limes or lemons
2 tomatoes
1 tablespoon snipped chives

To begin with, loosen the oysters on the shell so that you can lift them to your mouth and let them slide in. Arrange oysters on the plate. Peel avocado and dice into small pieces and squirt a good lashing of lemon or lime juice. Cut tomatoes in half, gently squeeze out the seeds or scoop out with teaspoon, and dice up. Combine with avocado and chives, remaining juice and spoon over oysters.

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